Being naked in public sometimes feels like a free-for-all judgment fest, even in the safe environment of a clothing-optional beach. Speaking as a woman raised in a conservative culture, I was taught to cover myself. Private parts are called private parts for a reason – it’s meant to be enjoyed privately. Bodies, especially women’s, are so hypersexualized that if you’re letting all your bits hang out, you’re either promiscuous or some hippy-dippy girl who probably say the phrase “good vibes” way too much.
Let’s put this out there: people love going naked on a beach for different reasons. Contrary to popular belief, most nudists aren’t even looking to have sex on the beach. Many frequent clothing-optional beachgoers simply feel more liberated without clothes. It’s awe-inspiring to see other people so confident in their own skin. And I’ve definitely done my fair share of staring while caressing my less-than-taut tummy. I understand that for the rest of us curious, self-proclaimed potatoes, it can take a while to be comfortable without the safety of our clothes. So here are 6 tips to help you get more comfortable naked.
How To Get More Comfortable Being Naked
1. Take your time
Just because other people are basking under the sun naked, doesn’t mean you have to be naked the second you step on the beach. Instead, you can try going to the beach in some clothes and take them off once you’re more comfortable with the atmosphere. Take your time to look around and take in the atmosphere, then decide if you want to take everything off in one go. Nobody’s going to judge you if you don’t. That’s how inclusive clothing-optional beaches are.
2. Go skinny-dipping
For most people, being naked on the beach is anxiety-inducing because it exposes your body to strangers. Who knows what they think about your body? What if you don’t look great?
Skinny-dipping is a great stepping stone towards full nudity on the beach. For one, you can hide in the water since the water makes it harder for anyone else to see you naked. It’ll be a little secret you share with your friends. Besides that, swimming in your skivvies is also so much more enjoyable since you don’t have to constantly prevent your bikini bottom from wedging itself into your cooch.
3. Look around and assess
By all means, look around! One of the things that hinder us when we go to a nudist beach is the fear of being judged. Unless you go to the gym every single day of your life or have been featured in a magazine, odds are you don’t think you have a nude-appropriate body. Odds are, people on the beach don’t have the Swimsuit Illustrated body either. And that’s completely fine!
Women, especially, can be harsh critics of our own bodies. It doesn’t take much to think the worst about our own bodies. Looking around can be a strong confidence boost if you’re not feeling great about your body. It doesn’t mean that you should compare yourself to other people. On the contrary, you should think of it as entering into a zone where every type of body is perfect. Flaunt it if you’ve got it, girl!
Sunbathing naked isn’t exclusive to models or people with “perfect” bodies. People come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and color on a nudist beach. You’re not the only one with cellulite to go to the beach and nor will you be the last. The general atmosphere on a clothing-optional beach is pretty accepting. Unless you’re gawking or being annoying, people would not judge your body. And before you know it, you won’t even notice nudity!
4. Choose a time and spot with less crowd
It’s one thing to strip down in a secluded spot. It’s quite the other to strip down in the middle of the beach.
Going to a clothing-optional beach early in the morning when there are fewer people can be more reassuring if you’d rather be alone or hang out with your friends in private. It gives you time to get accustomed to being nude on the beach by yourself. It also gives you space to process and be comfortable on your own time without feeling pressured by the naked bodies around you.
Choosing a spot that makes you feel safe is also important. I tend to stay near to whatever plants near the beach for two obvious reasons: I’m not a fan of being in the center of anything and I’m deadly afraid of being sunburnt. So it really depends on what makes you more comfortable. Going to the beach should be for your enjoyment, so don’t be afraid to move if the spot is no longer working for you.
5. Remember that freaks aren’t all that common
Safety is one of the main concerns of women who are hesitant to take the first step. While there might be freaks who’d masturbate or even have sex near you, it really isn’t that common. Most clothing-optional beachgoers are respectful, albeit somewhat chatty. If you don’t feel like chatting, you’re always welcome to tell them and they’ll leave you alone. If you feel threatened, move away. Don’t forget that you’re always in control.
6. Leave your clothes somewhere near you
You don’t have to forgo your safety net when you’re on a nude beach. You don’t have to stay nude all the time if you don’t want to. A beach is a public place where people are welcome to come and go as they please. Sometimes you might not want your new sunbathing neighbor to see all of you. Leaving your clothes accessible helps you decide if you want to throw something on when someone comes by.
That said, going naked on a clothing-optional beach helps you get comfortable in situations that are uncomfortable. It helps push you out of your comfort zone and experience feelings you’ve never felt before. Many people, including myself, had a lot of issues with their bodies. Feeling confident on a clothing-optional venue reinforces the idea of body positivity and that there’s nothing to feel insecure about.
What was your first time on a clothing-optional beach like? Share your experience with us in the comments below!
Living in Arizona you’d think with the heat there’d be more places to be naked. of course I always have my backyard oasis by the pool with a privacy fence.
To be fair women are not the only ones who are critical of their bodies. Some of us less endowed men also suffer from being critical about our body and in particular our size.
We live in a society where small men are laughed at, porn concentrates on endowed men and perfect female bodies. Most less endowed men more than often hide when changing at the gym, while those with bigger members walk around like peacocks.
I have been to Haulover beach, and because I speak more than one language I was able to hear comments being made about my size. Because I do not live near this beach and do not know anyone there, I do not care about being naked, however being naked at the gym where there are others that I do know makes me feel uncomfortable.
I would add that if you want to try going to a clothing optional beach, then attend a locations where the chances of seeing someone you know is slim to none. Remember you will probably never see these people again, so simply enjoy the freedom of being naked. This is what I have learned.