To begin with, you might find yourself extremely attracted toward nudism but it can be difficult for amateurs to know where to start. You can become a nudist traveler or you can incorporate some nudism into your daily life, when such a change is possible. But there are certain aspects that need to be considered before you dive into this new journey in order to make the most out of it. Luckily, the nudist etiquette is not some complicated process or some challenging set of values to apply to your life and the way you choose to see the world. Here’s everything you need to know when it comes to the basics of nudism and how you can enrich your life through it!
Nudism has nothing to do with your sexuality…or it shouldn’t
Being a nudist, especially when you enjoy nudism in a group of people such as a cruise or a trip, is not a form of exploring your sexuality. Just because you are naked, doesn’t mean that you have to be disrespectful towards other nudists that might be present. If you happen to experience some natural reactions of your body such as an erection, you can easily cover it by turning face down on your towel, if you are at the beach. You can also spend more time in the water, until you fix the unexpected situation. Also, stay away from making sexual remarks toward other nudists as this can be qualified as a very impolite attitude.
Usually, beginners in terms of nudism struggle with such sexual aspects but once you will get used to this type of vacation, you will not have to fight your sexual instincts so much as they will get tamed over time. And you don’t need to spend a lot of time getting used to this lifestyle as you might be comfortable with all the norms after just one cruise with other nudists.
You should always take care of your hygiene
Your hygiene is important even if you are not a nudist but it becomes even more crucial if you embrace this type of lifestyle every now and then. Make sure you shower and take care of your body to a degree to which you feel comfortable with yourself. After all, you want to feel fresh and clean when you go in public (and even when you don’t) and if you are not going to wear any clothes, your body might need some special attention in terms of aesthetics such as moisturizing and grooming (if it makes you feel more comfortable).
Think about the fact that all your skin will be more exposed to sun, wind and other weather conditions than it usually is and that can have both positive and negative effects on it. Using products that will moisturize your skin, provide the right nutrients it needs and also protect it against the sun rays, can make your nudist experience so much more enjoyable.
Always make eye contact
As a beginner nudist you might find it hard not to stare at other nudists but you absolutely have to do your best to control that. Try to maintain eye contact at all times and even more so when you are directly talking with someone. Otherwise, it will be quite hard for you to make new friends among other nudists. Also, when you are looking for topics to talk about, settle for safe ones such as the weather, the menu in the restaurant or cultural aspects such as literature, movies and music.
Don’t start talking about other people’s bodies or sensitive subjects like that. This is considered rude and in order to get away with such a conversation, you should be really good friend with the person that you are talking to. Even in such an ideal situation, you walk on shaky ground so it might be better to avoid such subjects all together.
You may wear clothes at times, but try to forget about underwear or lingerie pieces
Depending on the type of nudist trip or cruise you might be part of, some outfits might be required. Yes, you will stay naked most of the time, but there are exceptions even for a nudist. For instance if the weather is bad, no one wants to catch a cold so it is better to wear some clothes. Also, some organized cruises have a dress code for certain moments such as dinner. It is in your own benefit to get familiar with these regulations in order to be prepared for the trip in the best way possible.
However, even if clothes might be needed at times, underwear it’s usually not needed. In other words, pack some robes and forget about your boxers or panties because you will most likely not need them. Also, make sure that you bring some towels and have them handy at all times. These will be very useful every time you want to sit somewhere. And it is always better to have your own towel than to borrow one! Sitting on towels is also a hygienic measure, highly encouraged by other nudists and those who organize such events.
As you can see, becoming a nudist is not very difficult and it doesn’t require special training. All you have to do is respect the etiquette of this concept and apply it, especially when you are around other nudists. Maybe the most important aspect when it comes to nudism, is being comfortable while you are naked around other people that you might not know at all. Once this step is taken, the rest of the rules should come somewhat natural in a short time.
Make sure to get familiar with the rules of the event that you are planning to attend as different events might come with different regulations. Once you are aware of all these norms, all you have to do is relax and enjoy yourself! One thing is for sure: once you get to taste the nudist life, you will fall in love with it!
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